Monday, June 11, 2007

Trying my hand at watercolour

A lot of my more recent work has been pen and ink. In an attempt to record color information in my sketches I began to try colored pens, water soluble pencils and oil pastels. Lately I have been trying watercolors with a water brush. Some of those sketches have already made it to this blog. In this painting I’ve dropped the use of the pen and gone directly to watercolors on a watercolor paper post card. The scene is a view from my house that I did eighteen months ago as a prismacolor pencil sketch for class. I’ll post that sketch and the resulting oil painting soon.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I really like this sketch. It is really about getting color down on the paper and gesturing out what was being looked at. There is a nice depth to this sketch, especially with the main focus of the tree that "dared to be different". The colors could be a little darker with a little bit more variation of dark and light hues. But the mixture is really well done. The sky is nice also, you get a sense of clouds and sky, yet it isn't overpowering the sketch.