Friday, June 8, 2007

How the eagles see the ranch

This is a sketch of our ranch buildings from the hill behind the house. I know that there are some perspective problems, especially in the background where the creek bed is starting to stand on edge. Also the round pen is a little too round. Just below the center of the drawing you will see the corner fence posts and fig trees from a previous posting.

1 comment:

Heather said...

The perspective on this sketch really is not too bad. The creek could use work, but as a background image, you eye is really drawn to the buildings below. Which are drawn pretty well perspectively. What I really find compelling is that you layered this composition with the most important part of the focal point, which is the ranch itself. I have never been to your house, yet I feel as if I have been there and could find my way around. I also love the feel of the old barn with the roofing missing in some spots. The driveway past the pasture is a great datum that divides and directs the eye through the buildings to the barn. I really love the buildings in this sketch. Great job!