Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring is here!

 Yesterday the weather guessers reported a fifty percent chance of rain. Really? 50/50? To me this defines the word 'guess'. Now I understand why, when I showed up at the University with my Junior College transcripts and they asked what my lab science was, I said Meteorology and they laughed at me. They said "We mean something based in real research not crystal balls!"  

Anyway, it didn't rain. Which was fortunate for me because I needed a top down drive in the little white mini cooper as much as I needed to visit Mary and Steve at Wise Acre Farms for a dozen eggs and Cathy needed to visit The Red Barn Feed & Supply for dog and rabbit food. She also picked up bale of shavings for rabbit bedding. It is amazing what will fit in a mini when the top comes off!

 The photo above was taken from concrete slab that crosses the creek on the east side of our property. The car is sitting in about an inch of water flowing across the road. What caught my attention was the bright magenta bush growing all alone in the background just to the right of center in the photo. For years I looked at that cliff as the solid side of the hill beyond. Then I flew over it with Christopher and discovered that it is the thinnest knife edge of a hill almost gone.

Along the way I wanted to get some photos of the purple lupine and the orange poppies together that grow so profusely along Sand Creek Road in the spring.  Fortunately I had my old Nikon because a good friend recently told me never to leave home without it.This year will be a banner year for wild flowers if the increase in early spring flowers is an indication.

The this spring does seem to be missing the lovely orioles looking for nesting spots in our trees. I am hoping that it's just early for them.

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